You do not need a degree in computer science to enjoy learning about crypto. You do not need to have invested thousands of dollars to follow Web3 development. The crypto-world is equal parts human interest story, tech, and finance.

The adoption of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency use, and Web3 gaming is proceeding at a break-neck pace. Indeed, comparisons are being drawn to the early days of the internet, predicting over one billion users around the world by 2027. However, statistics show that although the vast majority of US citizens have heard of cryptocurrency, less than 20% are engaging with it. These numbers are even more lopsided with respect to certain demographics such as women, and people over the age of 30.

While the exact reasons for these demographic discrepancies are unclear, it has been postulated that the perceived excessive wealth, extreme youth, and intimidating technical knowledge belonging to individuals in the crypto industry is a daunting barrier to entry for the average person.

Currently available information sources are exclusionary. Traditional news feeds drive away the crypto-curious through fearmongering. Financial news provides information only applicable to day-traders. Large “how-to selections” in self-publishing mediums instruct those who have already made the decision to participate in the industry. Blogs and YouTube channels are presented to the public with distasteful evangelical overtones. Traditionally published crypto-related books are complex journalistic tales that primarily appeal to a highly-education sliver of the population.

None of these above outlets hit the bullseye for the crypto-curious reader seeking a light-hearted, upbeat introduction to this intimidating world. Keep Crypto Crazy provides this gateway, though is not intended to be propaganda. The grand-spectacle of “the birth of the crypto industry” is only true entertainment when the good, the bad, and the ugly are on full display. You may be as likely to run away screaming from this industry, as you are to leap into the revolution after following this blog.

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